
Having initially fallen in love with Yoga as a source of mental and physical relief during college, I have since become an instructor (YTT200, certified through My VInyasa Practice), helping others incorporate the practice and principles of Yoga into their lives. I currently teach group classes through Crunch Gyms (Bushwick and Crown Heights) and Yoga Spark.

My signature All-Levels Dynamic Vinyasa Class is highly physical, but adaptable to various needs: multiple versions and modifications of each pose are offered. An emphasis is placed on fluid connective movement, building stability and mobility in the space between positions, as we sweat our way towards a mental state of flow. We breath, sweat, stretch, wobble, and align, test our edges, respect our boundaries, see what we lose and find. Having fun is encouraged.

I also teach specialized classes upon request, such as Chair-Based Stretching & Alignment (great for office settings or students with limited mobility) and Yoga for Kids (with an emphasis on creative imagery and play through Yoga movements).

In working with private clients, I offer individualized and (if requested) hands-on guidance to help students meet their personal goals, whether progressing to advanced skills, recovering from an injury, or establishing a personal practice routine.